Oh, Man!- Gratitude Journal- Day 10

Gratitude Journal- Day 10- October 19, 2016.

☆ Today, I am grateful for men in the world! – You never thought I would say that, did you? Haha!

☆ To the beautiful man who showed up at the gym yesterday, making even sweat look good- Thank you! I apologize if I was stumbling over my words while you were talking to me.

☆ To the guys out there who still open doors for women, or make sure that the woman they are walking with is not on the street side of the side walk, Thank you!

☆ To the guys out there who have awesome taste in music, Thank you!


☆ To the sexy male voices out there, Thank you! It’s why songs like “Say You Won’t Let Go” by James Arthur give me goosebumps. Man, I love that song! And the lyrics…Wow! The “Kiss on the head” and “I just want to dance with you” lines get me every time. It’s the WAY he says them.  It can only come from a guy that way.  Fell in love with the song and voice from the moment I heard the first line in a coffee shop the other day. Maybe even as early as the first few guitar chords.

☆ Men playing a mean guitar – that’s a whole other gratitude journal entry! Haha!

☆ To the men who know how to give the sweetest kisses on foreheads- Thank you!

☆ Thank you to all the guys who have given me goosebumps,… even when you didn’t know it.

☆ To my guy friends, thank you for being so cool and offering a male perspective on my often crazy emotional female life!

☆ To the men in my family- uncles, brother, cousins, dads, and grandfathers – Thank you!

☆ To the guy dancers out there, Thank you! Partner dancing would just not be the same without you.

☆ To the guys out there who treated me badly, Thank you! Your messing up made it certain that I didn’t end up with you- thank God for that! And it also taught me that I was not treating myself well enough by settling for you. Now I treat myself extra well, and I only make time for the guys who do too!

☆ To the guys who can look good in a simple t-shirt, jeans and baseball cap- Thank you!

☆ To the men who are comfortable with their emotions, with expressing themselves, who are creative and compassionate and understand that being a strong man doesn’t mean you have to control, or dictate, or hurt or yell or be insensitive to be a man, Thank you!

☆ To the men who are not homophobic, racist, sexist, violent, and who stand up for others- Thank you!

☆ A shout out to some of my favorite famous male artists- Paulo Coelho, all the guys in the band The Script, Sam Smith, Rob Thomas, Labrynth, Pablo Neruda, William Wordsworth, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Antonio Sabato Junior, Shemar Moore and so many more… Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

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