After the Rain- Gratitude Journal- Day 4

Gratitude Journal – Day 4- October 13th, 2016


☆ The freshness of the air after last night’s heavy rain fall.

☆ The sweet, soothing scent of Ginger Peach Tea warming my face as I bring my mug closer to take the first sip.

☆ The story on facebook of a waitress- Morissa Pena- helping a homeless man and his heartfelt reaction to her compassion. They both expressed a deep appreciation for each other’s time and selflessness. Reminds me to keep hope and trust in humanity despite the painful tragedies happening around the world. Reminds me to stay open to opportunities where I might be able to reach out and help someone as well.

☆ Organizing with a friend’s mom on how to donate a bunch of my belongings to a refugee family that she knows.  I am excited to go through my closet and kitchen cupboards, and clean out cabinets of items that have not been used enough by me. And I feel so much more motivated to do this knowing that they will be going to a family who might really need them and get a lot of use out of them.  ☆ A warm shower- one of my favorite kinds of therapy

☆ The clumpy softness of scrambled eggs combined with the crisp, cool, edginess of kale. Opposites DO attract, or they just taste real good together.  Scrambled eggs always make me think of my mom. She always used bread to pick up the eggs on her plate, never a fork. I need to get me some bread and be like mom. 🙂  I wonder what she would have thought of kale.

☆ My Mom- for bringing me into this world and raising me to appreciate the little things. You were the best model for that- always valuing the simple moments in life. The simple moments, afterall, end up somehow being the most important. Those are the ones I miss most with you. I wish I could have them back, to appreciate them better and show you how much they meant to me.

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