After the Rain- Gratitude Journal- Day 4

Gratitude Journal – Day 4- October 13th, 2016


☆ The freshness of the air after last night’s heavy rain fall.

☆ The sweet, soothing scent of Ginger Peach Tea warming my face as I bring my mug closer to take the first sip.

☆ The story on facebook of a waitress- Morissa Pena- helping a homeless man and his heartfelt reaction to her compassion. They both expressed a deep appreciation for each other’s time and selflessness. Reminds me to keep hope and trust in humanity despite the painful tragedies happening around the world. Reminds me to stay open to opportunities where I might be able to reach out and help someone as well.

☆ Organizing with a friend’s mom on how to donate a bunch of my belongings to a refugee family that she knows.  I am excited to go through my closet and kitchen cupboards, and clean out cabinets of items that have not been used enough by me. And I feel so much more motivated to do this knowing that they will be going to a family who might really need them and get a lot of use out of them.  ☆ A warm shower- one of my favorite kinds of therapy

☆ The clumpy softness of scrambled eggs combined with the crisp, cool, edginess of kale. Opposites DO attract, or they just taste real good together.  Scrambled eggs always make me think of my mom. She always used bread to pick up the eggs on her plate, never a fork. I need to get me some bread and be like mom. 🙂  I wonder what she would have thought of kale.

☆ My Mom- for bringing me into this world and raising me to appreciate the little things. You were the best model for that- always valuing the simple moments in life. The simple moments, afterall, end up somehow being the most important. Those are the ones I miss most with you. I wish I could have them back, to appreciate them better and show you how much they meant to me.

How Apartment Hunting Is Like Online Dating

apartment huntingSitting in my new apartment, I know there are corners that still need to be fixed- like the cabinet door that is loose under the kitchen counter, and the drawer where my utensils are that gets stuck sometimes.  There is the issue with the water spitting out too much onto the tiles outside the bathtub after I shower, and the sun beating down so strongly that my living room oftens feels more like a hot yoga studio.  But I am typing away at my computer, relieved that I’m here and settled for now, because it was only a couple of months ago that I was on a crazy search which I thought would never end- a search for a place to live.  It was frantic, disappointing and exhausting.  And it dawned on me the other day that running around looking for apartments reminded me of something else that frustrated me so much, something that I vowed never to do again. That something is online dating.

What does online dating have to do with looking for apartments you ask? Well, actually, I have found that they have a lot of similarities which I must share with you now.

Both online dating and apartment hunting …  Read the rest of this entry »

“To Marry or Not to Marry”- Is That Even The Question?

“If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.”

plan-your-lifeWhen I was around ten, we made these booklets about ourselves in school.  They included a timeline of past, but also of future events. Next to each event, we would put an age. For example, age 10 was written next to “When I moved to North Vancouver.”  I remember that 27 was the age that I predicted I would get married, … on the Love Boat!  Or was it that I would meet my future husband on the Love Boat and then get married?  Either way, 27 was the magic number as far as the wedding went.  It seemed ‘perfect’ at the time.  And I also decided that Italy would be our honeymoon destination.

Well, when I think about what I was ACTUALLY doing at 27-  the guy I was with, the relationship I had with my SELF at that age, and all the things I have learned since then, I can see now that the Big Man up there (you know, the BIG G?) knew better.  My boyfriend and I were feeding off of each others’ insecurities, just bringing each other down instead of up.  If that had turned into a marriage, I think it would have been a very unhealthy one.  I also think I found so many other interests that I wouldn’t have had the time to pursue if I had been married and with my own family at that time.  Music, dance, and singing came to me with greater depth later in my life.  And they have brought me so much inspiration and happiness.  I think it would have been difficult to make room for them in the same way if I had been a wife and possibly a mother.

I guess I could accept that I was not meant to be on the Love Boat.  But somewhere, in the back of my head, or my heart,  Imissed the boat hold onto a kind of sadness about whether the marriage ship has just completely sailed me by.  Despite the number of broken or unhappy marriages I have heard about from friends and family, I still believe in marriage, and funny enough, I still believe I could be in a good one.  But if it didn’t happen at 27, or 30, or 33, when will it happen?  I’m sure my already-married-with-kids-from-a-young-age friends might be doubtful as well, secretly pitying my hopefulness.

But, when has that stopped me before? In fact, other people’s negativity about achieving certain rare goals has often fueled me to make those goals come true.  And since the Universe has proven to me many times, especially in the past few years, how powerful it can be in making dreams a reality, I decided to set up a kind of new timeline a few years ago.  It wasn’t set out as formally as the one I made when I was ten.  But it was still backed up with a strong faith.  Luckily, it takes a lot for me to give up on things that I really feel and believe in. One of the new goals was to drop the idea of saving Italy for a honeymoon. So what if I didn’t have a husband yet?  Maybe I was meant to enjoy the place on my own and reverse the order of two of my childhood goals.  I could go to Italy and THEN find a husband and get married.  Or maybe I would find the husband IN Italy! That sounded even better. Why didn’t I think of it earlier, I asked myself.

So I gave myself a deadline. I set the end of 2014 as the date by which I would be married or at least engaged.  And I wasare you ready excited at the thought of coming up with a new honeymoon destination with my new husband.

Wondering how successful these goals were?

Well, I couldn’t actually afford the trip to Italy at first, but my mom decided she was going to get rid of some of her old jewelry a few months before. She gave me a pouch of necklaces, old earrings, some missing their other pair. She told me to do as I wanted with them.  I knew I wouldn’t wear them, as they were not my style and had already been sitting around in a safe deposit box for years. So I took them to a place that converted gold to cash, and to my surprise, the jewelry was enough to get me a flight out to Venice!   I couldn’t believe that my dream was coming true!

But unfortunately, the trip didn’t seem as dreamy as I thought. Sure, the art. architecture and the gelato were amazing.  And I did meet a handsome man from Rome that added a great romantic story to my trip as he showed me around the city for a few days.  But our connection dwindled not long after I got home.  So much for Italy introducing me to my future husband.  Oh well, I wouldn’t have been able to put up with most of those Italian men for even a few minutes anyway.  The majority of the ones I met were crude, disrespectful, and arrogant.  Couldn’t they see that they were completely breaking down my dreamy stereotype of them?

Even the natural environment was not as inviting as I thought.    I landed myself in the hospital three times during my stay in Italy.  One of the hospital visits was because I got bitten by tiger mosquitoes in Florence. Even though technically, it was past the season when they would be around, the weather was still warm. So unfortunately for me, I florenceguess they decided to stay a little longer.  My body was so sensitive to these unfamiliar insects and their bites, that I had a bad allergic reaction to them.   Here I was, right in the heart of all of Florence’s beautiful cathedrals, historical monuments, turrets, and cobble stone, and I couldn’t wait to leave that city which literally made my skin crawl. I was so uncomfortable and full of tears in a place I spent so many years fantasizing about.

And how did my second goal turn out? Well, here I am, 12 days until the end of 2014 and not only am I husbandless but I am not even in a romantic relationship.

I could take this as a failure, and just give up all hope, which is what I thought I would want to do.  But what if it’s actually a success that I don’t even know about? I mean, what if the Universe is actually saving me from another expensive, energy sucking experience that might bite deeper into me than even those mosquitoes in Florence?  Not to say that this is what I think of marriage all of a sudden. Not at all. But marriage with the wrong person or at the wrong time? Well, I’ve definitely seen and heard of some messy ones.   Maybe God is nconfused bride3ot taking away a dream from me, but making sure my dream lives up to the standards that I hold for it.  Unlike with Italy, I wouldn’t be able to just shake off a marriage that didn’t work by taking a flight home. And maybe one day I will go back to Italy one day and enjoy it.  But that it’s all about the timing.  Maybe it’s still not the right time for me to be a wife, or to be in that dream relationship.  Maybe God has a timeline for me that is so much more beneficial for me than I could ever imagine.  I think many of us don’t realize how much NOT getting what we want, when we think we want it, could actually be a blessing.

Last week, a friend of mine told me that he went back to his home in India to marry his girlfriend.  They had been dating for four years, but now that he is living in Vancouver, and she is still back in the area near Mumbai where his family lives, this friend of mine wanted to make things official and show this girl how much he wanted to be with her.

It sounded like such a sweet story, until he told me that his family would not accept the girl because she is of a lower caste than he is!  Does that still really happen? I thought to myself.

“I went back there specifically to marry her,” he told me. I could hear the pain in his voice, even though he was trying to smile through his words.

“Well, I do agree that family is important,” I replied, “but I know from personal experience that breaking off a relationship only because family want you to can build up a lot of resentment towards your family. And in the end, it’s your life. You don’t want to have regrets.  If this girl is really that great, and really makes you happy” I added, “Don’t let her go.”wedding ring

“She already got married to someone else,” he replied as his head slowly dropped down towards his chest.

“What? But you were out there recently, right? Who did she get married to so quickly?” I asked, without letting him get a word in.

I felt my own heart breaking just in hearing this story. So I couldn’t imagine how painful it was to be the one in it.

“What do your parents say? Don’t they feel bad that you are so sad?” I asked, not caring anymore if I was prying too much.

I figured if he was sharing as much as he did with me, I had a right to know how the rest of the story went.

“I am not talking to my parents anymore,” he said, matter of factly..

How could this happen, I thought. This is so wrong. It sounded like this young couple were meant to be together.  How unfair that OTHER people’s opinions were pulling the couple apart? How can these families not see how much hurt they were causing their children?  In a world where it is so hard to find love, how can it be right to break up a love that has already been found?

But once I was given space to think about this at home, another perspective came to my mind: As much as I admired my friend’s desire to declare his love for this girl, and to show her that he chose her to commit to, maybe God could see the bigger picture.  Maybe God had something else in mind for him. Maybe a relationship with someone who would stand up for him and their love. Maybe a relationship where he would not have to communicate over long distance, and maybe someone who would not throw away the four years they had together by accepting a ring and a whole new life with another guy so quickly.

This friend of mine tried to explain that the girl was under a lot of pressure and she felt that a union with him would only hurt her family. But she also ended up telling him that HE was hurting her family.  Couldn’t she see how much she was hurting him, not just by giving up on them, but by ‘replacing’ him in what seemed like an instant?  Would making her parents happy truly make her happy?  But then again, would my friend have been happy with this girl, knowing that their families would never approve?

surprise-boxWho knows? What a complicated situation. One which neither he, nor I, nor his now ex girlfriend or their parents could ever predict the future of.  But again, maybe the Universe really knows what is in store for us in the long run, and how much we can handle.  Sometimes, when we think we are being treated unfairly, there is actually a great power looking out for us. we just don’t know it yet.

So maybe our job is not to be disappointed when what we hope for doesn’t come to us. We can instead learn to be excited for whatever this new space opened us to us will  bring and trust in the Universe’s ability to know best when to bring it. So, I didn’t get a ring put on my finger this year, and I didn’t get a man in my life to call husband.  That doesn’t mean it will never happen. And what about celebrating all the great things that did and do happen?

Perhaps 2015 will bring me a whole bunch of other gifts in the form of people, places, adventures and experiences that I didn’t even know I wanted.  And I’ll have a whole new set of stories to share with you.  Don’t worry. I won’t stop setting goals.  I’ll still make lists and new timelines.  But I’ll let God decide which ones He will see as fitting and which He will cross off as not being the best for me.  My job will be to keep dreaming, and believing, but this time I’ll leave the rest in His hands.

One Great Date Among the Disasters!

Amorous couple on romantic date or celebrating together at restaI interrupt the recent series of Unfortunate Dates to tell you about a good one, a really good date that just took place a few days ago.   And… I advise you to go on it too!

A couple of days ago, I was taken to the exact place I wanted to go, at the exact time that was right for me, with company that allowed me to be myself, AND food and entertainment that was just my style.

Who was this amazing date you ask???


tun ta da dun….

It was … ME!!! 

What do I mean?

I mean, I was my date! – You heard me. (The picture of the couple was just there to fool you).

I took ME (myself) on a date, and it was actually an awesome night.  I highly recommend you do it too!   No silly, I’m not saying that YOU should take ME on a date too, but that you should take YOURSELF on a date! (unless of course you are a charming, funny, handsome guy that knows just how to treat me. Then I would gladly accept you also taking me out on a date, but that’s a whole other blog post).

Anyway, back to the topic at hand.  You’re distracting me.

Where were we? Oh yes, taking yourself out on a date. I believe it is something everyone should do, whether you are single, in a relationship, even married, and especially if you’re not sure what your relationship status is (in that case, you might really benefit fromdressed up this even more).

I know, I know. Isn’t that kind of sad, or even pathetic, you’re thinking? Because really, if you’re out alone, well, doesn’t that mean you are lonely, and a loner, and a loser who just plain doesn’t have any friends? RUBBISH!  That is just a bunch of baloney.  I have great friends, and sure, I’m single. But sometimes, I just want to do my own thing.  And after the other night, I hope that whether I’m in a relationship or not, that I remember to take myself out on dates more regularly.

Why? Because it is adventurous, good for the soul, is the best way to get to know yourself, and it is fun!  It grounds you and reminds you of how you want to be treated, and it gives you an excuse to go out and dress up and spend a night exactly the way you want it to wherever you want to go!  There is a difference between taking yourself out on a date because you’re lonely and down on yourself- like you have no other choice- versus taking yourself out on a date because…. it’s fun and you know you’re worth it and you’re CHOOSING it intentionally. Read the rest of this entry »

A Writer Can…

a writer can...

Aqua Therapy

water tube“Is it too late for me to join in?” I asked.

“Not at all,” said the woman in the black bathing suit, yelling words of encouragement to the crowd of people in the pool below her.

“Higher, higher, more more, keep your arms in the water!” she reminded them all.

I stepped into the pool and joined the group.  I was happy to feel the warmth of the water.  It immediately felt soothing.  I must have forgotten about all the tension and problems I had been thinking about earlier because all I remember is following the class and my body.  There is something mesmerizing about the way water can move you and your limbs.  No matter your weight, or your handicaps, you feel light and graceful, like something larger than you is carrying you through.

At least that’s how I felt today, this morning, at my first aquasize class.  I was a few minutes late.  And at first, the exercises seemed almost boring.  I wondered whether my time would not be better spent stretching and working with weights, on land.  But I soon was reminded that this is part of the beauty of working out in water: its flow masks the actual work involved in moving through it.  It just feels effortless and fun, when really, your body is being taken through a huge workout.

The instructor rolled out a trolley full of water dumb bells.  “Do you want the smaller ones?” she asked me.  I took the larger ones, almost laughing at her comment.  They are made out of foam, I thought. Of course I could handle the bigger ones.   But after a few minutes, I realized how difficult it really was to move the dumb bells under water.  Water flows, and takes you with it in that sense, but it is also so powerful in how strongly it can resist.  Wow! My arms were definitely aching after that, but in a positive, healthy way.  Even walking through the water, back and forth, was a workout in itself, because the speed at which you think you can go is not at all what the water allows you to.  water feet2

It was fun to splash and wave and kick and float but all the while being surrounded by the feeling of the water caressing my skin.  It is so comforting and natural, freeing and relaxing. While on land, I often experience joint and muscle pain in my legs and back.  But being in the water just felt like instant therapy.

As I lay on my back, with a noodle behind my shoulder blades, I imagined I was in a tropical place, without worries or cares, just time to rest and revel over this weightlessness.

Every little movement seemed in slow motion. And there was so much quiet around me, as the water gently closed off any unnecessary sounds from my ears.  I know there was music playing on the speakers around us, but there seemed to be a kind of inner harmony as well between my body and the body of water that held me.  It seemed so effortless to just be there and be with the water. Why didn’t I do this more often?- I thought.

Once the class was over, I let the water carry me towards the deeper end, and was conscious of every point of contact between my toes and the water as I kicked my feet against the water’s surface.  I was gliding and it felt so liberating.

I finally stood up for a few seconds, letting the water from my hair drip down my back.  After a few little goosebumps hit me, I decided to warm up in the jacuzzi.  I was wrapped in such warmth that I am sure that any parts of my body that were still at all tight just instantly loosened.

And finally, taking a shower when I got home just reminded me how lucky I am to enjoy the water’s refreshing powers every water feetday, as it washes over me and allows me to start new.  I made sure to pour myself a glass of lemon water when I got out, as I sat with my towel wrapped around me for a few minutes.  I smiled as the coolness swept over my tongue and went all the way down until it finally cooled me from the inside.

Wing Woman

wing woman

Last night I went on a date, … but,… it wasn’t mine..

Let me explain.

A friend of mine had been writing to a couple of guys on a dating site.  And one of them had invited her to a party at his place. It was a gathering of his friends for his birthday. “Bring your friends,” he suggested in his message.

My friend was not used to going to parties of people she didn’t know. “I’m not always the best in social situations like that,” she told me.  I disagreed, and felt that she’d be fine on her own.  But she hadn’t met this guy in person yet, and she didn’t really know what to expect. So finally, she asked me if I would be interested  in joining her. Read the rest of this entry »

Don’t just scribble it down, voice it to a friend. Whoah!

super powerAlthough this blog is about writing to create ideas, and the power of the written word, another way to drum up ideas and organize your thoughts is to speak them first.  I like to talk to some good friends about a topic or idea, to give it shape, to hear myself say what I want to say out loud, and to help me find my focus and true intent.

This can be so helpful not just with personal matters, but also in formulating your ideas for writing assignments, whether creative or expository, or … as was the case with me, in writing a letter of intent for a program I recently became interested in.

My friend Renee helped me so much this afternoon, as I spilled out all the things that were running through my head about what I wanted to say in my letter. I just didn’t know how to put  it all together.  And after talking to Renee, and recording my conversation with her, I was able to start putting my thoughts together in a more meaningful way.  She listened, and provided me with her own feedback.

But when I heard back the conversation on my recorder, what I didn’t expect was to also see how Renee’s thoughts came together in such a reflective and inspiring manner.  I was impressed. She wasn’t even needing to talk about this topic, nor was she probably aware of all the great things she was saying.  But I was, and… I got it on tape.  So… I’d like to share one part of it here.  It’s beautiful.  Thanks Renee! 🙂

Renee’s thoughts on

Having Questions Answered, Being Part of a Movement, 

and Your Super Power of Knowledge


“This is the way I see it:

You were looking for answers and no one had answers.  You were asking one doctor, and they said one thing. And then you asked another doctor, andunnamed they said another thing.  Some people had old views about it, some people had new views about it.  So it didn’t seem like everyone was on board with the same kind of belief or even the facts.  What are the facts? No one seemed to have the facts.

And so there should be more teachers out there on this subject, teachers who have the facts.   Then, when somebody goes online, or is looking around and wants to find something or someone to get the right information they can do it easily.  Over time, with these courses, there will be more teachers out there.  It will just be a thing where you just know where to go, kind of like knowledge about diseases right now.  With some diseases, they are finally being talked about more.  But in the past, parents who had kids with for example, down syndrome or mental illnesses, they didn’t know where to go.  They didn’t know who to go see.  But now they are getting more information and have places to go and ask questions.

And that’s how teachers and information start to grow overtime. It’s because something is born out of a question. And people are wondering “What do I do?” And somebody starts doing something about it.  You’re kind of in the movement right now.  You want to be a part of the movement of people who start to grow this talk.  And then more people will know about it.  And it won’t even be so hard to find the information anymore.  It will be like you just go on Google, and there will be people upon people who know about this stuff, the correct information.  And they won’t be scared to share it, and others will be less scared to receive it. And they’ll be well educated about the topic.

And I like the way you included your experiences about the past.  Because the past does matter, so that people can understand your background and how you got to this place, how you got interested in this subject.  But then I think absolutely, you should go with what you envision doing with this ‘power’ that you’re going to have after getting this education.

Think about it like a super power.  What will you do with this super power, with this knowledge?

What is your intent and why?  Do you just want to know it for yourself?  Because some people want to go to school just to gain their own knowledge.  But really, the question is what do you want to do with it and why?

What sparks you to want to do this?

And I think that what sparks you is that there isn’t enough out there to help others with this topic.  There was nothing out there to help you, and so if you can get that something for yourself, then you can help others to get it too.”

– Renee-Claude Lauer

Love for Literature

Love for Literature


Note: I’m not sure who created this. I found it on the internet. But I absolutely LOVE it! 🙂 Thank you for posting it.

The Rebirth!- My “If I Had My Life To Live Over” Poem- my 2013 version

Thank you Nadine Stair for first writing your “If I Had My Life to Live Over” poem years ago.  Thank you Wendy McHardy for posting it on your fridge way back when we were in high school or sometime back then.  And thank you to the universe for having the poem find its way back to me, in a way that I could get inspired not just in reading the poem but in creating my own.  I love that this poem gives me a model and a kind of license to continually write and rewrite my own version… of the poem, and of my life 🙂  (To learn how this idea began for me- including Stair’s original poem- and how you can make your own “If I Had My Life to Live Over” piece, click here: Resolution: To become what you might have been).

Here it is:

If I Had My Life To Live Over by Tasleem Ria

Woman relaxing in bubble bath

If I had my life to live over

I would have less head and heartaches

and more lavender bubble baths.

I would escape to a cottage by a lake,

resting my feet and rejuvenating my writing mind.


If I had my life to live over

I would spend more time at airports,

soaking in the excitement of a new journey

and meeting people from all cultures and continents.

I would travel to the foreign faces and lands that call to me in my dreams,

and would be able to speak many languages, fluently.

  Read the rest of this entry »

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