My List

two-heartsYes, you know the list I’m talking about.  The one that lays down exactly what I’m looking for in a guy -the ultimate one. The one I’ve been waiting for but hasn’t shown up …yet. Notice how I say YET.  That means I still believe in him. I just don’t know how or when he will appear. Maybe he needs some help, to know that I know exactly what I want and won’t settle for any less, … than HIM.

Maybe I’ve confused him. Maybe just as he is about to show up, I hang out with a guy who doesn’t have any of the qualities that I want. And then MY guy thinks… hmmm… she’s not ready for me.  So he ends up having to wait a little longer until I figure it out. No. Don’t wait!  I am ready. Sometimes I mess up, because I lose my patience. But I still believe in you… I want to make it clear who you are and what I want.  And what better time, than tonight- when I am at home on Valentine’s Day… without you, again.

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