My List

two-heartsYes, you know the list I’m talking about.  The one that lays down exactly what I’m looking for in a guy -the ultimate one. The one I’ve been waiting for but hasn’t shown up …yet. Notice how I say YET.  That means I still believe in him. I just don’t know how or when he will appear. Maybe he needs some help, to know that I know exactly what I want and won’t settle for any less, … than HIM.

Maybe I’ve confused him. Maybe just as he is about to show up, I hang out with a guy who doesn’t have any of the qualities that I want. And then MY guy thinks… hmmm… she’s not ready for me.  So he ends up having to wait a little longer until I figure it out. No. Don’t wait!  I am ready. Sometimes I mess up, because I lose my patience. But I still believe in you… I want to make it clear who you are and what I want.  And what better time, than tonight- when I am at home on Valentine’s Day… without you, again.

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How Apartment Hunting Is Like Online Dating

apartment huntingSitting in my new apartment, I know there are corners that still need to be fixed- like the cabinet door that is loose under the kitchen counter, and the drawer where my utensils are that gets stuck sometimes.  There is the issue with the water spitting out too much onto the tiles outside the bathtub after I shower, and the sun beating down so strongly that my living room oftens feels more like a hot yoga studio.  But I am typing away at my computer, relieved that I’m here and settled for now, because it was only a couple of months ago that I was on a crazy search which I thought would never end- a search for a place to live.  It was frantic, disappointing and exhausting.  And it dawned on me the other day that running around looking for apartments reminded me of something else that frustrated me so much, something that I vowed never to do again. That something is online dating.

What does online dating have to do with looking for apartments you ask? Well, actually, I have found that they have a lot of similarities which I must share with you now.

Both online dating and apartment hunting …  Read the rest of this entry »