Why Are You Still Single?- A compliment or ignorance?

single and with a heart

“I don’t get it. Why are you still single?”

I hear these words often. Maybe some of you do too.  But they came, more recently, from a guy who I really, really liked. So when the words were followed by, “You’re beautiful, you’re smart, you’re a sweetheart… Is there something you’re hiding under there I don’t know about?” I smiled, I giggled, I swooned, and blushed.

I took it all in as a compliment, because surely, that’s how he intended it to come across, right?

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Absence Does NOT Make My Heart Grow Fonder

Lonely teen girl sitting on white floor and looking down

Absence does NOT make my heart grow fonder. Have I already written about this before? Well, here it goes again then, but this time, louder. It seems that some guys didn’t quite hear me the first time.

I used to think that there were certain qualities in a guy that I was looking for. You girls know what I mean- the “list”. The one with all the physical and emotional and spiritual traits of our ideal guy.  Over the years, tall, dark and drop dead gorgeous got shoved down and replaced by authentic, honest and ambitious.

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How Apartment Hunting Is Like Online Dating

apartment huntingSitting in my new apartment, I know there are corners that still need to be fixed- like the cabinet door that is loose under the kitchen counter, and the drawer where my utensils are that gets stuck sometimes.  There is the issue with the water spitting out too much onto the tiles outside the bathtub after I shower, and the sun beating down so strongly that my living room oftens feels more like a hot yoga studio.  But I am typing away at my computer, relieved that I’m here and settled for now, because it was only a couple of months ago that I was on a crazy search which I thought would never end- a search for a place to live.  It was frantic, disappointing and exhausting.  And it dawned on me the other day that running around looking for apartments reminded me of something else that frustrated me so much, something that I vowed never to do again. That something is online dating.

What does online dating have to do with looking for apartments you ask? Well, actually, I have found that they have a lot of similarities which I must share with you now.

Both online dating and apartment hunting …  Read the rest of this entry »

One Great Date Among the Disasters!

Amorous couple on romantic date or celebrating together at restaI interrupt the recent series of Unfortunate Dates to tell you about a good one, a really good date that just took place a few days ago.   And… I advise you to go on it too!

A couple of days ago, I was taken to the exact place I wanted to go, at the exact time that was right for me, with company that allowed me to be myself, AND food and entertainment that was just my style.

Who was this amazing date you ask???


tun ta da dun….

It was … ME!!! 

What do I mean?

I mean, I was my date! – You heard me. (The picture of the couple was just there to fool you).

I took ME (myself) on a date, and it was actually an awesome night.  I highly recommend you do it too!   No silly, I’m not saying that YOU should take ME on a date too, but that you should take YOURSELF on a date! (unless of course you are a charming, funny, handsome guy that knows just how to treat me. Then I would gladly accept you also taking me out on a date, but that’s a whole other blog post).

Anyway, back to the topic at hand.  You’re distracting me.

Where were we? Oh yes, taking yourself out on a date. I believe it is something everyone should do, whether you are single, in a relationship, even married, and especially if you’re not sure what your relationship status is (in that case, you might really benefit fromdressed up this even more).

I know, I know. Isn’t that kind of sad, or even pathetic, you’re thinking? Because really, if you’re out alone, well, doesn’t that mean you are lonely, and a loner, and a loser who just plain doesn’t have any friends? RUBBISH!  That is just a bunch of baloney.  I have great friends, and sure, I’m single. But sometimes, I just want to do my own thing.  And after the other night, I hope that whether I’m in a relationship or not, that I remember to take myself out on dates more regularly.

Why? Because it is adventurous, good for the soul, is the best way to get to know yourself, and it is fun!  It grounds you and reminds you of how you want to be treated, and it gives you an excuse to go out and dress up and spend a night exactly the way you want it to wherever you want to go!  There is a difference between taking yourself out on a date because you’re lonely and down on yourself- like you have no other choice- versus taking yourself out on a date because…. it’s fun and you know you’re worth it and you’re CHOOSING it intentionally. Read the rest of this entry »